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Stroke 中風

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of serious, long-term disabilities. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel) (artery, which supplies the brain, bursts or is blocked by a blood clot. In one hour, the nerve cells in the brain are damaged and die. According to the body can be partly controlled by the damaged areas of the brain does not function properly.

In Cedars-Sinai Center for stroke prevention, diagnosis and treatment of stroke, by applying the latest technologies and medicines, while addressing all the needs of stroke patients. Care will be coordinated by the first contact with the patient, either through the emergency room, stroke center or hospital ambulatory medical care or rehabilitation.


在Cedars - Sinai醫院的中風中心致力於預防,診斷和治療中風,運用最新的技術和藥物,同時治療中風病人的全部需求。護理是協調一致的第一點是與病人接觸,無論是通過緊急部,中風中心的住院和門診服務及醫療康復。

Symptoms of stroke 中風症狀

A person with symptoms of a stroke requires immediate emergency care, as if he or she had suffered a heart attack. Medical treatment is started early, the less damage to brain cells.

The effects of a stroke can vary from mild to severe and may be temporary or permanent. A stroke can imagine on vision, language, behavior, the ability to move and the ability to body parts. Sometimes there may be coma and death. The effects of a stroke on the specific brain cells that are damaged depends, it will affect the amount of the brain and how quickly the blood flow in the affected area is restored.

One or several mini-strokes (transient ischemic attack or TIA) may occur before a person has a stroke scale. The symptoms are the same for both. In contrast to stroke symptoms, the symptoms disappear within minutes, TIA (usually 10 to 20) up to 24 hours. A TIA is a warning sign of stroke may soon occur, and the state must be treated as an emergency.

There are basically two types of stroke. Ischemic stroke is caused by a blocked or narrowed artery. Hemorrhagic stroke is caused by a sudden bleeding from an artery.

The symptoms of a stroke include the sudden onset of:
  • Numbness, weakness or inability to move (paralysis) of face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
  • Trouble seeing you in one or both eyes as the shadows, blurring, double vision or loss of vision
  • Confusion or trouble speaking
  • Problems walking, dizziness or loss of balance or coordination;
  • Severe headache with no known cause
The symptoms of stroke may vary according to the nature of the attack, and the location and extent of brain damage. If a player is caused by a large blood clot or bleeding, symptoms occur within seconds. If an artery is narrowed or blocked, stroke symptoms develop gradually rarely in a few minutes to several hours or a few days. However, the symptoms of a stroke May is small due to normal aging or confused with other conditions that cause similar symptoms.



一個或多個小中風(短暫性腦缺血發作或TIA的)可能發生在一個人有一個全面的中風。症狀同樣是相似的。然而,與中風症狀,症狀消失電信行業協會 在幾分鐘之內(一般為10至20)至24小時。阿電信行業協會是一個警告,提醒我們可能很快會發生中風,病情需要被視為緊急情況。


  • 麻木,無力或無法移動(癱瘓)的臉部,手臂或腿部,特別是在一方身體
  • 無法看到在一個或兩個眼睛,如dimness,模糊,复視或視力喪失
  • 說話困難或困惑
  • 行走困難,頭暈或失去平衡或協調
  • 嚴重頭痛病因不明
中風的症狀可能會有所不同,這取決於中風類型,以及位置和程度的腦損傷。如果中風是由一個大血塊或出血,症狀發生在幾秒鐘內。當動脈已經狹窄或阻 塞,中風的症狀通常會逐漸發展幾分鐘到幾小時內,或者很少,天。但是,症狀的一個小中風可能是由於正常老化或其他條件相混淆導致類似的症狀。

Causes and risk factors for stroke 原因及中風危險因素

An ischemic stroke occurs when blood flow) in a blood vessel (artery that supplies blood to the brain is blocked.

Blocking May from a blood clot in an artery, which formed to develop the brain (thrombus) or in another part of the body, usually the heart (embolism) to. The clot travels with the blood until it blocks an artery in the brain.

These blood clots can with an irregular heartbeat, problems with heart valves, an infection of the heart muscle, caused hardening of the arteries, affects blood clotting, inflammation of blood vessels or heart attack. You can also by a blood clot that dissolves from a ruptured cerebral aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation bleeding caused.

A rare cause of ischemic stroke occurs when blood pressure is too low (hypotension), which reduces blood flow in the brain. This usually happens with the arteries are narrowed or diseased. Low blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, large blood loss or severe infections. Any of these conditions affect the blood supply of the heart and blood vessels and increases the risk of stroke. In addition to surgery to correct the narrowed or blocked arteries in the neck can sometimes cause a stroke.

Hemorrhagic stroke is due to sudden bleeding from a blood vessel in the brain (cerebral haemorrhage) or caused in the premises of the brain (SAB). May sudden bleeding by the bursting of a blood vessel, diluted and extended (aneurysm). The most common cause of bleeding in the brain is high blood pressure.

Uncommon causes of hemorrhagic stroke include inflammation of blood vessels, from May syphilis or tuberculosis, bleeding disorders, head or neck injury, radiation therapy for cancer and the development of cerebral amyloid angiopathy (a condition in which a protein substance collects and weakens the blood vessels of the brain, what), bleeding and stroke.




一個不太常見的原因缺血性中風發生時的血壓變得太低(低血壓),降低血液流向大腦。這通常發生與動脈狹窄或有病。低血壓可能是由於心髒病發作,大 量失血或嚴重感染。這些條件的每一個影響血液的流動,通過心臟和血管,增加中風的風險。此外,手術,以矯正狹窄或阻塞的動脈在頸部有時可能會導致中風。



Stroke Diagnosis 診斷中風

Diagnosis of stroke based on history and physical examination. A variety of diagnostic tests are on the Event Center at Cedars-Sinai available. If stroke is suspected, the doctor magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) to determine whether the stroke was caused by a blood clot or bleeding in the brain. Additional tests may be conducted on the basis of scan results.

If the disease or narrowing of the main artery in the neck (carotid artery) is suspected, the following tests are carried out:

  • An ultrasound of the carotid artery
  • Scans magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) to the blood flow in blood vessels look
  • Carotid angiography (injection of radioactive substances in the blood) to the specific arteries
  • If it is proved that the stroke by a blood clot that formed in the heart occurs, can the doctor has a chest x-ray, an EKG, or electrocardiogram, echocardiogram or other cardiac imaging tests
  • Carried out more tests to see if other conditions are present, see the assessment of the general health of the person, whether the patient's blood clots too easily
中風的診斷是基於病人的病史和體檢。阿多種診斷測試可通過中風中心的Cedars - Sinai。如果懷疑中風,醫生會以磁共振成像(MRI)或計算機斷層掃描(CT)掃描,以確定是否中風是由於有血塊或出血大腦內部。額外的檢查可以根據掃描結果。

  • 超聲頸動脈
  • 磁共振血管造影(MRA)掃描顯示的流動,血液在血管
  • 頸動脈造影(注射放射性物質進入血液),以顯示特定的動脈
  • 如果有證據表明,中風是由血栓形成的心臟,醫生可命令胸部透視,心電圖或心電圖,超聲心動圖或其他心臟成像檢查
  • 其他實驗室檢查可以看看有沒有其他的條件仍然存在,請檢查該人的整體健康狀況,看看病人的血液凝塊太容易

Treatment of stroke 治療中風

Must have people who have symptoms of a stroke, seek emergency medical care to. May attend to medical attention to prevent potentially fatal complications and brain damage, is more widespread and critical to the overvaluation. If emergency treatment would begin within one to two hours after onset of symptoms, some people, a stroke can be caused by a blood clot drugs dissolve the blood clot will to contribute to the increase chance of full recovery.

Treatment goals are potentially fatal complications that prevent developing soon after stroke symptoms, reduce the prevention of future stroke, disability, prevent long-term complications and help patients return can occur in normal operation as far as possible through rehabilitation.

The drug treatment may also remove dissolve blood clots (tPA), or blood clots by the penumbra of a stroke, or surgery. The type of treatment depends on the type of stroke and severity of symptoms.




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