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Health Care Error 醫療錯誤

The simplest definition of an error in health care is an unavoidable side effect of treatment, whether or not it is obviously harmful to the patient. On average, the two curators of the Institute for Medicine and Health Grades reports indicate that between 400,000-1.2 million deaths due to errors during 1996-2006 in the United States caused. These losses were partly due to:

The complexity of health care
  • The technology is complex, powerful drugs.
  • Intensive care, longer stay in hospital.
Systems and Process Design
  • Poor communication, unclear lines of doctors, nurses and caregivers.
  • Disconnected reporting systems in hospitals: the fragmented system that is in the numerous hand-offs of patients resulting lack of coordination and errors.
  • The perception that the measures are considered by other groups within the institution.
  • Prevent the use of automated systems to failure.
  • Inadequate systems for sharing information about errors that contribute to the analysis of the causes and hamper strategies for improvement.
  • Cost-cutting measures implemented by hospitals in response to the reduction of the refund.
  • Environmental and design factors. In urgent cases, the patient care is delivered in the area as unsuitable for the monitoring of safety. The American Institute of Architects to identify safety issues related to the design and construction of facilities for health care.
  • Failure of the infrastructure. According to WHO, 50% of medical equipment in developing countries are only partially usable because of the shortage of skilled labor or parts. Therefore, diagnostic procedures or treatments can be carried out, resulting in a lower quality of care.
The Joint Commission's Annual Report on Quality and Safety in 2007 found that inadequate communication between healthcare providers and between providers and patients and family members, responsible for more than half of serious adverse events in accredited hospitals. Other major causes include poor assessment of the patient, and a lack of guidance or training.

Skills, education and training
  • Changes in the training of health providers and experience
  • Will identify the frequency and severity of medical errors
Human Factors and Ergonomics
  • Fatigue
  • Depression and Burnout
  • Several patients, unfamiliar situations, time constraints
  • Complications increase as the increased ratio of staff-patient nurse
  • Drug names that look similar and sound the same


  • 複雜的技術,有效的藥物。
  • 重症監護,長期住院。
  • 缺乏溝通,界限不明,權力的醫生,護士和其他醫護服務。
  • 斷開報告系統在醫院:支離破碎的系統,其中許多手權衡的結果的患者在缺乏協調和錯誤。
  • 的印象,正採取行動的其他群體的機構。
  • 依賴自動化系統,以防止錯誤。
  • 不足系統共享信息的錯誤阻礙的成因分析和改進戰略。
  • 削減成本措施,醫院應對償還削減。
  • 環境及設計因素。在緊急情況下,病人護理可能呈現不適合的地區安全監測。美國建築師學會已確定關注的安全設計及建造保健設施。
  • 基礎設施故障。根據世界衛生組織,50%的醫療設備在發展中國家使用的只是部分由於缺乏熟練的操作或部件。因此,診斷或治療程序無法執行,導致不規範治療。

  • 變化的衛生保健提供者的培訓和經驗
  • 不承認患病率和嚴重性的醫療差錯

  • 疲勞
  • 抑鬱症和倦怠
  • 多樣化的病人,陌生的環境,時間壓力
  • 並發症病人增加護士人手比例增加
  • 藥物名稱,外形相似或聲音都

Health Systems Management 衛生系統管理

Health Systems Management describes the management and general management of hospitals, hospital or systems of health care. In international usage, the term of the administration at all levels. In the United States, the administration of a single institution (will) such as in hospital as a "medicine and health" of the administration of health care or management.

Health Management Systems has been described as "hidden" health professional because of the relatively low profile to the nursing profession, the role of managers in the health systems in direct comparison such as nursing and medicine to take. However, the visibility of the management profession in the health sector in recent years has increased, mainly because of the widespread problems that developed countries with balancing cost, access and quality in their hospitals and health systems.



Health Care 衛生保健

Health Care (often health care in American English) is the treatment and management of the disease and preserving health through the services of medicine, dentistry, complementary and alternative, pharmaceutical, Vimto clinical science (in vitro diagnostics), nursing and allied health professions. Health care embraces all the goods and services designed to promote health, including "preventive interventions, curative and palliative, they are sent to individuals or to populations".

Before the term health care became popular, English-referred to medicine or the health sector and spoke of the treatment and prevention of illness and disease.



Illnesses In Female Humans 疾病在女性人體

Examples of sex-linked diseases in women humans :
  • 99% of all cases of breast cancer in women.
  • Ovarian cancer and other diseases of the genital organs of women occur only in women. Endometriosis, another the female reproductive system disease affects almost exclusively women, but only rarely in men, has been detected received estrogen treatment for prostate cancer.
  • More women than men suffer from Sjogren's syndrome, scleroderma, and osteoporosis
  • In Western cultures, more women than men suffer from eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia
  • Women are more likely to suffer from unipolar depression (bipolar disorder, even though it appears to affect both sexes equally)
  • Psychologists are more women than men with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder or histrionic personality. There is currently no agreement on whether there a real difference to the underlying gender, or simply because of the deep-rooted social attitudes.

  • 99%的乳腺癌發生在女性。
  • 卵巢癌和其他疾病的女性生殖系統只是發生在婦女。子宮內膜異位症,另一名女性生殖障礙幾乎全部發生在婦女,但很少被發現在接受雌激素治療男性前列腺癌。
  • 更多的婦女比男性患乾燥綜合徵,硬皮病,和骨質疏鬆症
  • 在西方文化中,婦女比男子多患飲食失調,如厭食症和貪食症
  • 婦女更有可能患抑鬱症的臨床單極(雖然似乎躁鬱症影響男女兩性的平等)
  • 心理學家更容易診斷的婦女比男子與邊緣或表演型人格障礙。現時並沒有一致意見,這是否因為真正的根本男女之間的差額,或者僅僅是因為根深蒂固的社會態度。

Illnesses In Male Humans 疾病在男性人體

Examples of sex-linked diseases in men humans :
  • Prostate cancer and other diseases of the male sex organs occur only in men.
  • Some genetic diseases, such as blindness, common in men. They are characterized by sex-related causes recessive genes carried on the non-homologous chromosome X.
  • Aneurysms of the abdominal aorta are six times more common in men, and thus some countries have introduced screening for men at risk of developing the condition.
  • Autism is 4 times more common in men than in women.

  • 前列腺癌和其他疾病對男性生殖系統只會發生在男性。
  • 某些遺傳疾病,如色盲,更頻繁地發生在男性。他們是因性別聯繫的,隱性基因進行非同源部分的X染色體。
  • 腹主動脈瘤的6倍更常見於男性,因此,一些國家已推行為男性遭受危險的條件。
  • 自閉症是4倍以上的男性普遍比女性。

Sex and Illness 性與疾病

A gender-specific disease is a disease that occurs only in individuals of the same sex.

In a broader sense, the gender-specific diseases are diseases that belong to more frequent in one sex or the manifest differ according to sex. Occur For example, certain autoimmune diseases, especially in May, members of one sex, for unknown reasons. 90% of cases of primary biliary cirrhosis are women, while primary sclerosing cholangitis is more common in men.

Neither approach should have a high probability of transmission through sexual contact to be confused with sexually transmitted diseases, the diseases.

Sex diseases have different causes:
  • Sex-linked genetic diseases
  • Part of the reproductive system that are specific to one sex
  • Psycho-social causes, based on roles that sex is expected in a given society gender.
  • Different levels of prevention, reporting, diagnosis or treatment in each sex.

在更一般的意義上說,與性有關的疾病是疾病是一種較為常見的性別,或體現在每個不同的性別。例如,某些自身免疫性疾病,可能會出現主要是在某一性別,原因不明。 90%的原發性膽汁性肝硬化患者是女性,而原發性硬化性膽管炎是比較常見的男性。


  • 伴性遺傳疾病
  • 部分生殖系統所特有的一種性別
  • 社會根源涉及到性別角色期望的性別在特定的社會。
  • 不同級別的預防,報告,診斷或治療在每個性別。

Stroke 中風

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of serious, long-term disabilities. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel) (artery, which supplies the brain, bursts or is blocked by a blood clot. In one hour, the nerve cells in the brain are damaged and die. According to the body can be partly controlled by the damaged areas of the brain does not function properly.

In Cedars-Sinai Center for stroke prevention, diagnosis and treatment of stroke, by applying the latest technologies and medicines, while addressing all the needs of stroke patients. Care will be coordinated by the first contact with the patient, either through the emergency room, stroke center or hospital ambulatory medical care or rehabilitation.


在Cedars - Sinai醫院的中風中心致力於預防,診斷和治療中風,運用最新的技術和藥物,同時治療中風病人的全部需求。護理是協調一致的第一點是與病人接觸,無論是通過緊急部,中風中心的住院和門診服務及醫療康復。

Symptoms of stroke 中風症狀

A person with symptoms of a stroke requires immediate emergency care, as if he or she had suffered a heart attack. Medical treatment is started early, the less damage to brain cells.

The effects of a stroke can vary from mild to severe and may be temporary or permanent. A stroke can imagine on vision, language, behavior, the ability to move and the ability to body parts. Sometimes there may be coma and death. The effects of a stroke on the specific brain cells that are damaged depends, it will affect the amount of the brain and how quickly the blood flow in the affected area is restored.

One or several mini-strokes (transient ischemic attack or TIA) may occur before a person has a stroke scale. The symptoms are the same for both. In contrast to stroke symptoms, the symptoms disappear within minutes, TIA (usually 10 to 20) up to 24 hours. A TIA is a warning sign of stroke may soon occur, and the state must be treated as an emergency.

There are basically two types of stroke. Ischemic stroke is caused by a blocked or narrowed artery. Hemorrhagic stroke is caused by a sudden bleeding from an artery.

The symptoms of a stroke include the sudden onset of:
  • Numbness, weakness or inability to move (paralysis) of face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
  • Trouble seeing you in one or both eyes as the shadows, blurring, double vision or loss of vision
  • Confusion or trouble speaking
  • Problems walking, dizziness or loss of balance or coordination;
  • Severe headache with no known cause
The symptoms of stroke may vary according to the nature of the attack, and the location and extent of brain damage. If a player is caused by a large blood clot or bleeding, symptoms occur within seconds. If an artery is narrowed or blocked, stroke symptoms develop gradually rarely in a few minutes to several hours or a few days. However, the symptoms of a stroke May is small due to normal aging or confused with other conditions that cause similar symptoms.



一個或多個小中風(短暫性腦缺血發作或TIA的)可能發生在一個人有一個全面的中風。症狀同樣是相似的。然而,與中風症狀,症狀消失電信行業協會 在幾分鐘之內(一般為10至20)至24小時。阿電信行業協會是一個警告,提醒我們可能很快會發生中風,病情需要被視為緊急情況。


  • 麻木,無力或無法移動(癱瘓)的臉部,手臂或腿部,特別是在一方身體
  • 無法看到在一個或兩個眼睛,如dimness,模糊,复視或視力喪失
  • 說話困難或困惑
  • 行走困難,頭暈或失去平衡或協調
  • 嚴重頭痛病因不明
中風的症狀可能會有所不同,這取決於中風類型,以及位置和程度的腦損傷。如果中風是由一個大血塊或出血,症狀發生在幾秒鐘內。當動脈已經狹窄或阻 塞,中風的症狀通常會逐漸發展幾分鐘到幾小時內,或者很少,天。但是,症狀的一個小中風可能是由於正常老化或其他條件相混淆導致類似的症狀。

Causes and risk factors for stroke 原因及中風危險因素

An ischemic stroke occurs when blood flow) in a blood vessel (artery that supplies blood to the brain is blocked.

Blocking May from a blood clot in an artery, which formed to develop the brain (thrombus) or in another part of the body, usually the heart (embolism) to. The clot travels with the blood until it blocks an artery in the brain.

These blood clots can with an irregular heartbeat, problems with heart valves, an infection of the heart muscle, caused hardening of the arteries, affects blood clotting, inflammation of blood vessels or heart attack. You can also by a blood clot that dissolves from a ruptured cerebral aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation bleeding caused.

A rare cause of ischemic stroke occurs when blood pressure is too low (hypotension), which reduces blood flow in the brain. This usually happens with the arteries are narrowed or diseased. Low blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, large blood loss or severe infections. Any of these conditions affect the blood supply of the heart and blood vessels and increases the risk of stroke. In addition to surgery to correct the narrowed or blocked arteries in the neck can sometimes cause a stroke.

Hemorrhagic stroke is due to sudden bleeding from a blood vessel in the brain (cerebral haemorrhage) or caused in the premises of the brain (SAB). May sudden bleeding by the bursting of a blood vessel, diluted and extended (aneurysm). The most common cause of bleeding in the brain is high blood pressure.

Uncommon causes of hemorrhagic stroke include inflammation of blood vessels, from May syphilis or tuberculosis, bleeding disorders, head or neck injury, radiation therapy for cancer and the development of cerebral amyloid angiopathy (a condition in which a protein substance collects and weakens the blood vessels of the brain, what), bleeding and stroke.




一個不太常見的原因缺血性中風發生時的血壓變得太低(低血壓),降低血液流向大腦。這通常發生與動脈狹窄或有病。低血壓可能是由於心髒病發作,大 量失血或嚴重感染。這些條件的每一個影響血液的流動,通過心臟和血管,增加中風的風險。此外,手術,以矯正狹窄或阻塞的動脈在頸部有時可能會導致中風。



Stroke Diagnosis 診斷中風

Diagnosis of stroke based on history and physical examination. A variety of diagnostic tests are on the Event Center at Cedars-Sinai available. If stroke is suspected, the doctor magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) to determine whether the stroke was caused by a blood clot or bleeding in the brain. Additional tests may be conducted on the basis of scan results.

If the disease or narrowing of the main artery in the neck (carotid artery) is suspected, the following tests are carried out:

  • An ultrasound of the carotid artery
  • Scans magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) to the blood flow in blood vessels look
  • Carotid angiography (injection of radioactive substances in the blood) to the specific arteries
  • If it is proved that the stroke by a blood clot that formed in the heart occurs, can the doctor has a chest x-ray, an EKG, or electrocardiogram, echocardiogram or other cardiac imaging tests
  • Carried out more tests to see if other conditions are present, see the assessment of the general health of the person, whether the patient's blood clots too easily
中風的診斷是基於病人的病史和體檢。阿多種診斷測試可通過中風中心的Cedars - Sinai。如果懷疑中風,醫生會以磁共振成像(MRI)或計算機斷層掃描(CT)掃描,以確定是否中風是由於有血塊或出血大腦內部。額外的檢查可以根據掃描結果。

  • 超聲頸動脈
  • 磁共振血管造影(MRA)掃描顯示的流動,血液在血管
  • 頸動脈造影(注射放射性物質進入血液),以顯示特定的動脈
  • 如果有證據表明,中風是由血栓形成的心臟,醫生可命令胸部透視,心電圖或心電圖,超聲心動圖或其他心臟成像檢查
  • 其他實驗室檢查可以看看有沒有其他的條件仍然存在,請檢查該人的整體健康狀況,看看病人的血液凝塊太容易

Treatment of stroke 治療中風

Must have people who have symptoms of a stroke, seek emergency medical care to. May attend to medical attention to prevent potentially fatal complications and brain damage, is more widespread and critical to the overvaluation. If emergency treatment would begin within one to two hours after onset of symptoms, some people, a stroke can be caused by a blood clot drugs dissolve the blood clot will to contribute to the increase chance of full recovery.

Treatment goals are potentially fatal complications that prevent developing soon after stroke symptoms, reduce the prevention of future stroke, disability, prevent long-term complications and help patients return can occur in normal operation as far as possible through rehabilitation.

The drug treatment may also remove dissolve blood clots (tPA), or blood clots by the penumbra of a stroke, or surgery. The type of treatment depends on the type of stroke and severity of symptoms.




Tips for Stress-Reduction Activities While You Stop Smoking 提示活動,以減輕壓力,當你戒菸

Deep breathing Take a deep breath and let your belly expand, until the lungs are filled. Pause for a minute. Then exhale completely. Pause for a minute. Then take another deep breath, take a minute and then exhale. Follow with your eyes closed until you feel calm.

Guided pictures "Imagine you are in the situation that caused the most difficulty, and photos of all the strategies that states use to correct the situation without smoking," Trina Ital, director of the Counseling Center for Cancer Information Service of the American Cancer Society. "We call it a mental test."

T'ai Chi The mind-body exercises combined with deep breathing, postures, resulting from one person to another through a series of slow and continuous movements. Researchers at the University of Miami to study their effectiveness through a program of smoking cessation.


引導圖像 “想像一下你自己的情況,導致你最困難,所有圖片的策略你將用來處理這種情況不吸煙,說:”天合意大利,主管的輔導為美國癌症協會的戒菸熱線。 “我們稱之為心理排練。”

太極 這種身心結合深呼吸運動與姿態的流量之一,明年通過一系列緩慢,持續運動。研究人員在邁阿密大學正在研究的成效作為一部分的戒菸計劃。

Yoga 瑜伽

Yoga refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. The word is with meditative practices of Hinduism, Buddhism and Hinduism Jainism.In connected, it also refers to one of the six orthodox schools of Indian philosophy and the goal toward which the school is running practices. In Jainism, it refers to the sum of all activities, mental, verbal and physical.

Major branches of yoga philosophy in the Hindu Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Hatha Yoga. Raja Yoga, compiled in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, simply as yoga in the context of Indian philosophy, is part of the Samkhya tradition. Many other Hindu texts discuss aspects of yoga, including the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, yoga and religion, the Shiva Samhita and various Tantras.

The Sanskrit word yoga has many meanings, and is from the Sanskrit root "yuj" means "control", "tense" or "to unite derived." Translations are "join", "link", "union" word "and" medium ". Out of India, the term yoga is typically associated with Hatha Yoga and) its asanas (postures or as a form of exercise are. Someone who is the yoga practice, or the following philosophy of yoga as a yogi or yogini.


主 要分支在印度瑜伽哲學包括拉賈瑜伽,噶瑪瑜伽,智者瑜伽,奉愛瑜伽,哈達瑜伽。拉賈瑜伽,在編制的帕坦伽利瑜伽經,並稱為簡單的瑜伽在印度哲學的背景下, 一部分的數論傳統。印度的許多其他方面的案文討論的瑜伽,包括奧義的薄伽梵歌的哈達瑜珈Pradipika的濕婆本集和各種密續。

在 梵文瑜伽有許多含義,是來自於古梵文根“yuj”,意思是“控制”,“以枷鎖”或“團結”。翻譯包括“參與”,“團結”,“工會”,“結合”和“手段”。 印度之外,瑜伽一詞通常與哈達瑜伽體式和(姿勢)或行使的一種形式。有人誰練習瑜珈或者遵循瑜伽的哲學稱為瑜珈或格尼。

How to lose weight quickly and safely 如何減肥快速,安全地

Step 1
No White at Night. Follow this rule, it really works. No white at night means that after 7:00 p.m. you can not eat: white rice, sugars, pastas, starches or breads. Think about how much that will cut out of your diet. You should not really eat anything after about 7:30 pm but especially not any of the "white" items above. If you must eat late at night, make sure you are eating complex carbs (wheat bread, whole grains, proteins) and not sugars and heavy pastas.


沒有白在夜間。按照這一規則,它確實有效。晚上沒有白即晚上7時後你不能吃:白米飯,糖,麵條,澱粉或麵包。想想多少,將削減從您的飲食。你真不 該吃東西後,晚上7點半,但沒有任何特別的“白”的項目上面。如果你必須吃深夜,請確保你是吃複合碳水化合物(麥麵包,全穀類,蛋白質),而不是糖和重型 麵食。

Step 2
In general, you have to cut the sugar and starch. Skip the following: sugar, soft drinks, biscuits, sweets, bread and coffee drinks Starbuck's fat NO. Do you know how many calories in frappacino sell?

The choice should be made with caution. Instead of a bagel and cream cheese and a venti mocha, go with a banana and a piece of cheese for breakfast.

For lunch, stick with soups and salads. N croutons! Balsamic vinaigrette should vinaigrette. If you have a sandwich, make sure it's wheat bread, no mayo and no cheese.

For dinner, grill some vegetables with olive oil and have a small piece of steak or fish. Cutting carbs is easy and good taste!

Choose vegetables and dip, peanuts as a snack. Try the cheese and salami and crackers forgotten.



午餐,堅持湯和色拉。 ñ麵包片!葡萄香醋應香醋。如果您有一個三明治,確保它的小麥麵包,沒有河,沒有奶酪。



Step 3
Exercise! Walk everywhere! Take the stairs instead of elevators. To do as much as possible. Up and down your stairs at least 10 times per day. Take 10 things out of your handbag and let them climb down, go up and a little at a time, so you move on.

That sends an e-mail to a colleague across the table, you will get from your computer during the day and walk around the office and talk in person.



What is Fitness 什麼是健身 ?

Health can be seen as a holistic feeling or state of well-defined.

Condition consists of several building various bodies. The four most important are:

1. Endurance
2. Strength
3. Flexibility
4. Coordination

Fitness includes the physical and mental and emotional satisfaction and self-confidence.





What is a Healthy Diet 什麼是健康飲食 ?

By selecting foods that make up a balanced diet you may avoid or reduce the probability of many illnesses and delay the effects of aging.

A healthy diet and keeping fit has many benefits for you -

  1. helps in maintaining an ideal weight
  2. reduces the risk of many common health problems eg. diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, some cancers, gallstones and constipation
  3. improves the immune system and helps to fight off infections
  4. helps to cope with stress




Food Guide Pyramid 食物指南金字塔

The food pyramid (historical), known as the food pyramid, and the official title of the improvement of the American Food Guide Pyramid was released by the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) in 1992 to replace the old system of food-group classification.

The food pyramid provides optimal nutrition guidelines for each food category, per day, with a mnemonic graphic of a pyramid with horizontal dividing lines, the proposed percentages represent the daily ration for each food group.



Eat Your Way to Health 吃的健康之路

Eating is one of the most important events in people's lives. We enjoy eating - this is a part of who we are and a part of our culture: in fact, food is the burning question of all times universal.

We are on the food: food that we eat is the only source of our energy and nutrition. We know so much to eat: We are born with the desire to eat and grew up with the rich tradition of eating. But we also know so little about food - like the food we eat every day affect our health.

We are more confused than ever about the relationship between diet and health: Margarine is healthier than butter or not, a little alcohol is off to a heart attack, but have breast cancer, dietary antioxidant vitamins may or may not prevent lung cancer. Eating is a paradox and a mystery that our ancestors have tried to solve, and scientists are now attempting to.

What is Healthy 什麼是健康 ?

This may seem like an easy question to answer. However, if you really stop to this and it is not easy.

If the number of push-ups can you do? Is it the distance you can run? How well rounded is your diet? Or it could be something like a combination of these things and more?

The more we think, the more we realize that is not the best way to determine what's healthy to tell what I know, healthy.

Starvation diets, foods high in cholesterol, physical inactivity, trans fats, simple sugars, too little sleep, and so on and so forth. This list of what it means to be unhealthy, is very easy to create.




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